Hello and I hope you had a relaxing Easter break. 🙂  Poppy (my dog) and me enjoyed our walks in the warm sun and cold wind…..refreshing. While others were tucking into their Easter chocolates and traditional lamb dishes, or not, Poppy and I have been busy looking to find new readers for my upcoming first novel – Northern Pole. Describe by York poet and writer, Lizzi Linklater as : ‘’Authoritative, meticulously researched and plotted, this novel enthrals in its heart-stopping twists and turns. Northern Pole takes the reader through tragic events that create deep-rooted traumas with far-reaching consequences for its characters. I thoroughly recommend this intelligent, compassionate, beautifully written and uncompromising book to you and hope we might see more of Roman Kozynski in the future. ‘’ Lizzi Linklater.