Free Short Story Collection

Hi, I’m giving away copies of The Baba Yaga Tree Short Tall Stories for a short period if you’d like to sign up to my author updates list from this site. Thank you and I hope you enjoy reading the collection.

Lost Mills and Ghost Mansions

Shipley-based 509 Arts will present Lost Mills and Ghost Mansions, a series of stories behind Bradford’s mass mill closures at the end of the 20th century—a period of massive upheaval in the area. The digital event includes textile art, photos, recorded...


I’ll attend the York Local Writers Book Fair on Saturday, 6 April 2024, from 2 pm – 4.30 at The Friends Meeting House, Friargate York YO1 9RL. The Suitcase of Secrets will be on sale, and I’ll be available to chat. I hope you can make this lovely...